Annie Knerr, 3, runs towards her family on Monday in the Shepard neighborhood in Columbia. The Patrie and Knerr families trick-or-treated together before ending the night with the kids watching Halloween-themed shows at the Patries' house.

Elle Patrie, 5, lifts her butterfly wings after getting in her costume with her mother, Leslie Patrie’s help on Monday in Shepard neighborhood in Columbia. Elle dressed up as Spiderman disguised in an astronaut suit with butterfly wings.

From left, Elle Patrie, 5, Katy Knerr, 5, and Annie Knerr, 3, run up to a house on Monday in the Shepard neighborhood in Columbia. Jason Patrie said his favorite part about Halloween is “seeing the experience for our daughter and that sense of community that really comes out.”

Elle Patrie, 5, puts on her Spiderman mask on Monday in the Shepard neighborhood in Columbia. Patrie’s favorite candy is chocolate covered marshmallows.

Sarah Chapman, left, and Cherie Chapman pass out candy on Monday in the Shepard neighborhood in Columbia. “It’s always been a very open and warm neighborhood especially on Halloween but this year I feel like it’s been at another level,” Jason Patrie said.

The Patrie family and Knerr family go trick or treating on Monday in the Shepard neighborhood in Columbia. Each year after Halloween the Patrie family uses the leftover chocolate candy bars to add to homemade ice cream.

From left, Elle Patrie, 5, Katy Knerr, 5, and Annie Knerr, 3, pick candy out of a bowl on Monday at Shepard neighborhood in Columbia. After Patrie’s Halloween bucket got full she used her astronaut helmet to hold candy.

Elle Patrie, 5, goes through her candy after trick-or-treating on Monday at Shepard neighborhood in Columbia. Patrie’s favorite part of the night was “getting all the candy and watching Mickey Mouse."

From left, Elle Patrie, 5, Annie Knerr, 3, and Katy Knerr, 5, watch a show on Monday at Shepard neighborhood in Columbia. “Especially with our daughter getting older, she’s really in a sweet spot where it’s just better and better for her every year,” Jason Patrie said.

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